About the Journal


Journal Publicuho is published by Halu Oleo University and managed by the Laboratory of the Department of State Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, publishing research results and literature studies with the focus and scope of studies in public administration, management and public policy, politics, government, global issues, community development, and social issues and various other social science studies.

Publication Schedule : February, May, August, November
Language : Indonesia - English
APC : Payment (processing) | Info
ISSN 2621-1351 (online)  2685-0729 (print)
Accreditation : SINTA 4 (Science and Technology Index)
DOI : Prefix 10.35817  by 
Editor-in-chief La Ode Muhammad Elwan, S.Sos., MPA
Publisher :Universitas Halu Oleo 
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